"We are stardust, we are golden, and we got to get our selves back to the garden", Joni Mitchell, 1970. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=joni+mitchell+woodstock+1970&view=detail&mid=61B065433A558D17F24961B065433A558D17F249&FORM=VIRE0&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3djoni%2bmitchell%2bwoodstock%2b1970%26cvid%3db4d6fbc9442a432185da41bdf0092474%26aqs%3dedge.2.69i57j0j69i59j0l4.3409j0j1%26pglt%3d427%26FORM%3dANNTA1%26PC%3dU531
One very cool thing is that we see these interstellar objects as beautiful. It seems just as likely, perhaps more so that we wouldn't have an emotional reaction to them. I love the idea that our ability to perceive beauty evolved because, of course, it's useful, it works;)