Welcome to the club:) Like most crafts woodworking is an invitation to both mindfulness and to the sort of "peak" and "flow" experiences described by Maslow. No guarantees of course, wood is a non uniform material, with both visible and hidden grains and flaws that will resist your attempts to form it. Mindfulness can help you to slow down, to resist the impulse to try to impose your will on the material, and instead to "listen" to the forms and grains in the pieces you are working so that you can work with them rather than against them.
The projects you cited are well within the reach of the humble beginner. I say humble because they have been built by a skilled craftsman and have superficial degrees of fit and finish that take experience to execute, but structurally they are ideal for first projects, the simple stool in particular. I would recommend Rex Krueger's YouTube channel, Woodworking for Humans, in which he takes you through simple hand tool woodworking and has tutorials on very similar projects, three and four legged stools as well as the inexpensive tools needed to build them.
Definitely grateful to the Duuude for starting this publication and making more obvious the links between science, writing, and woodworking. All require logic, creativity, and self reflection/editing. The practice of all three can be refined and improved throughout one's life, but only through practice;)