Well, I do realize that there is no such thing as “European culture”, U.S. racist tropes notwithstanding. Europeans used to regard each other scornfully as different races and discriminate against each other, a ridiculous practice that followed them to the U.S. Never heard of the signs posted here in the land of the free, “no dogs or Irish allowed”, “no Irish need apply”? You ought to check out the WWI and WWII posters circulating here that depict the “subhuman German race”. Our KKK hated Catholics and Jews just about as much as they hated Blacks, and in case you haven’t noticed, many if not most Catholics and Jews are white.
I guess you didn’t notice the last sentences of her comment either, which addressed directly the original author’s point; that the genetic accident of having less melanin in your skin conveyed privileges and protections on individuals, privileges and protections that few of the beneficiaries would care to give up.