Well, you did, unless "handled/stolen" means something else. But let's take that a piece at a time. First, the recording you refer to is of Biden describing the pressure he put, at president Obama's instruction, to get the corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor fired, a move approved of by several allies in Europe. A bi-partisan letter signed by GOP Sens Portman, Johnson, and Kirk urged the Ukrainian government to clean up the corrupt office of the prosecutor general and a month later they fired Shokin, who had let the Burisma investigation go dormant. It's so interesting that this story gets turned upside down, but if you really care about the truth you could look it up.
As to who asked the Ukrainian president for an inappropriate favor, you'll notice that Biden made his comments in public, on the record to NO protest or blowback. Trump, on the other hand assumed his conversation was not public and his request went so far over the line that several of the security and intelligence staff who were tasked to listen in on the call immediately reported Trump's blackmail attempt to their superiors and to administration lawyers. as they were require to do by law. It's revealing to see how the two men handled their conversations; Biden was open about U.S. pressure to fire Shokin, Trump went to the extraordinary step of hiding the record of his call in a highly classified server, a step never done for these kind of courtesy calls. "The wicked flee when no man pursues".
This is indeed the U,S.A., and all of Trump and Giuliani's ridiculous lies about the election are being thoroughly "looked into". As one judge just put it, "These baseless claims are not sufficient to disenfranchise a single voter". I wonder though, after all the bogus suits are filed and either thrown out of court or withdrawn because the filers fear legal consequences for making false claims, will you then agree that the election was free, fair, and secure, as election observers and Trump's hand picked officer of election security at the Dept. of Homeland Security have already certified?