What we? You can push and yell all you want, just a lot of hot air unless you can bring along ten or twenty million or so friends who inform themselves and vote. You dismiss the "duopoly" while ignoring the very real differences between them and the 140-150 million voters who understand those differences and choose.
Our country is pretty full of life, people from other countries risk the very real prospect of death to somehow get here and participate. Big Pharma kept my mom alive 12 years longer than the most optimistic prognosis when she got her diagnosis 23 years ago, They also profiteered on the sale of insulin and rescue inhalers. You can gripe about big corporations but the truth is that without them 3 billion people would starve in 6 months.
It's one thing to see the wrong that powerful forces do and quite another to address the wrong. If you have a way to create a progressive majority in government I'm all ears. I've been at it for almost 50 years, some wins, some losses, but I can truly testify, the country is far more progressive, kind, inclusive, just, and yes, left than it was 50 years ago, and that was with reactionaries fighting progress every step of the way.