When you take pains to spell it "Amerika" you make it obvious that you are bringing an ideological preload to the discussion. I pointed out this fact, I made no claim to know your motives. I agree totally that W ignored Bin Laden's possible Saudi backers, the oil connection certainly drove the Neo-cons who dictated "his" foreign policy. Bin Laden was a wealthy man with a personal fortune estimated at $100 million, he needed little outside backing to finance his operations.
None of what we have called Islamic terrorism is easily understood without knowledge of the connection between the House of Saud and the Wahhabist Mission, and the nearly milinea old conflict between Sunni and Shia Muslims. Possible you would find my Medium piece, Peace Deals or War Pact interesting. Knowingly or not. we have made a Faustian bargain with the side of this conflict that has the most oil, and have chosen to demonize the other side, led by Iran. Israel has exploited the divide lately, dealing on the side of the majority and picking the same "enemies" and "friends" that we have. This seems to be an obvious effort to inflame that divide and deflect attention and animosity away from itself.
Would be interested in the actions you think should have been taken against the Saudis. The region is a complicated mess that we would have ignored were it not for oil and Israel, and it seems that most of what we have done has made things worse.