While there is much truth in your piece you have also ignored much history to get to your conclusions. There's no doubt that Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia has been behind the lion's share of extremist terrorism in the Middle East, as well as Africa, Europe and the 9/11 attacks. On the other hand the first gulf war was in no way fought "to save babies in incubators", it was fought to push mass murdering Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait, to prevent him from expanding his income base with Kuwaiti oil. In like manner, the initial attack on Taliban rule had much to do with their increasingly extreme rule in Afghanistan and their proclivity to host Wahhabist terror groups who had not only attacked the U.S, but also had ambitions in nuclear armed Pakistan
There's no possible argument to justify the Bush incompetence in Afghanistan and Iraq, but I doubt that either case was just self serving electoral politics or self enrichment through military contracts. Both cases are far more complicated.