Yeah, what “everybody knows”, definitely a reliable source;) What makes you think that anybody knuckled under to DNC pressure? I know that would fit the narrative that Bernie got screwed (again?) but fitting a narrative is not a factual confirmation; actually it’s the foundation of almost every nutty conspiracy theory. I encouraged Pete and Amy to drop out, not that they had any way of hearing me. I suspect that tens of millions of Democrats wanted the moderate candidates to stop splitting their votes, certainly no secret and no conspiracy there. Facts have hard edges; the fact is that Bernie had difficulty breaking 25% in the early contests, effectively running neck and neck with a largely unknown 38 year old gay mayor of a small Midwest city. His only (and admitted) path to the nomination was to hope that the moderates continued to split their majority of votes and that he could win a brokered convention…what a mess. Most Democrats didn’t want that scenario to unfold,which they demonstrated overwhelmingly with their votes.