Yes, Trump is often, if not always, incapable of expressing coherent thoughts. His rambling and nearly incoherent suggestion to Dr. Birx is exhibit A. It seems he is completely unfamiliar with the process of treating disease, of conducting medical research to find medical treatments, and of the scale of that research going on every day in a desperate pursuit of a treatment for Covid-19 disease. I have closely followed U.S. politics for over 50 years and I have never seen a significant political leader, let alone a president, who regularly makes ridiculously false and mistaken statements from an official podium. I have to think hard to come up with a single such statement from a prior president.
You certainly wouldn’t do so. You are intelligent enough to see the ridiculous nature of suggesting research into the use of disinfectant chemicals internally, but then you are educated and consider your words with some care. Why you are willing to defend a person with no such capability is beyond me. Trump almost certainly lied yesterday when he claimed he was being sarcastic. He was dead serious when he asked Dr. Birx his terminally dumb question. But even giving him the benefit of the tiniest of doubts, he has NO right to make sarcastic comments from that podium. He may miss his campaign rallies where cracking wise is a staple but those rallies are not part of his job. Informing the public from an official venue is part of his job, one at which he fails day after day.