You don't seem to understand the implications of the destruction of industry, transport, farming...most people don't. Can you collect enough water from what falls on your property to supply both potable and garden needs? Can you purify it? Can you grow enough to feed yourself and your group? For how long? Do you know how to forge and temper steel? Do you have the hand tools and skills to build necessary objects?
Nuclear war will close your local stores forever. Same for the gas stations, the hospitals, law enforcement; how are your shooting skills? Nuclear winter, if it happens, will be a mass extinction event, not that different than the asteroid 65 million years ago.
There was an interesting book in the '60s, Alas Babylon, by Pat Frank. It dealt with survival after nuclear war, Mr. Frank was a newspaper writer who served as a government consultant on nuclear war preparedness. Easy to get copies, good background reading, not to mention a good read.
If there ever is a nuclear war it will be a surprise, nobody will be notified, first because it's far too horrific for government agencies to contemplate, and second, because the panic from a warning will be epic and deadly on a mass scale.