You just can’t think of one? Well, there’s a surprise;) You confuse ideology and policy with government function and political strategy. There’s very little daylight between Lauren’s ideology and policy goals and mine…but I actually care if progress is made towards those goals. In addition, I actually pay attention to how the congress operates, something she never seems to take into account. You seem to share her claim that she can magically divine the thoughts and motives of other people…neither of you can and the exercise is a waste of energy in any case. The point of politics is to get people to do the things you want, particularly when they disagree with you or have corrupted motives. You CAN’T know their thoughts or motives, unless you have the psi powers to read their minds, and of course if you could do that you could figure out how to bend them to your will. How’s that bending going with Manchenima?