Your justified anger has clouded your judgement. Medicare for all is not a remotely viable political option in the U.S., and if it were then President Biden would of course promote it and sign it.
Medicare for all will take 60 Senate votes, and given the overweight of small (conservative) state senators it's extraordinarily unlikely that it would even get 50 votes.
It is, on the other hand, a potent political talking point for the right, who constantly scream "socialist and Marxist" at Democrats and progressives and are BELIEVED by their constituents.
You don't know what Mr. Biden believes, and if you train your guns on the people who have a long record of fighting for causes in which YOU believe, like the President, you accomplish nothing and most likely harm those causes.
The roadblock to good and affordable health care for all Americans is the right side of the aisle in both chambers of Congress and the swath of "red" states from Florida to Wyoming.